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Professional Community


This year we are building our professional community through symposium days and social events. See below for more information on what we've got planned for 2021!

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pop-Up learning

We’ve started an online pop-up webinar event series to keep us connected through the pandemic. Pop-Ups may occur sporadically through the year, but they usually happen on a monthly basis.


Speakers have ranged from Pediatric Phlebotomy to COVID-19. A half-hour presentation is followed by a Q+A with members. Participants receive a CE Certificate to include in their professional portfolio.


Pop-Up learning is 100% free for MLPAO Members!

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In 2022, the MLPAO is celebrating our 60th anniversary. On Saturday, June 18, we'll be meeting in Hamilton for a huge congress and we can't wait to see everyone again. Whether you're an MLT, MLA/T, or Lab Leader, there will be an incredible learning experience for you.

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Member Rally - April 15

As part of Medical Laboratory Week, CEO Michelle Hoad will share updates and developments on advocacy with the provincial government at our Member Rally on Thursday, April 15 at 7 PM. 


We will be holding a virtual Lobby Day earlier in the week and will share information from conversations with MPPs. We'll also take a moment to celebrate your great work together as medical laboratory professionals.

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