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2020 MLPAO Membership - Now Open!

Updated: Oct 30, 2019

You are on the frontlines of medicine in Ontario. You detect infection, identify disease or cancerous cells, and provide blood to patients fighting for their lives. You need to be supported by both strong connections with your colleagues in the lab and your professional association who advocates for your interests in the province. As MLTs, MLA/Ts, PAs, you are striving together for the same cause: the health of the patient.

The Medical Laboratory Professionals’ Association of Ontario stands for you. We are here for our members, listening intently to your concerns and pushing for them with many different stakeholders. Through insurance, advocacy, learning, networks, and a collective voice we support your important work. Click here to see a full list of our member benefits.

We are offering once more our new member referral program. For every new member you refer you save money together! Click here for more info.

Are you already an MLPAO Member?

  • Log into your membership portal on our website at any time and click "Renew Now" on the "My Page" section.

  • Or, simply click the link in the membership renewal email we sent you last week! If you haven't received an email yet, contact us at

Not a member yet but want to join?

In an effort to go green, your 2020 MLPAO membership package will be delivered electronically. If you still wish to receive a physical member card, you can order one for a small fee on our website.


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