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MLPAO: Happy International Women's Day!

This International Women's Day, we’re celebrating the incredible women in our field.

Women scientists have led advances in technology and science. In the medical laboratory, women have discovered new genes, uncovered the structure of DNA, revealed how bodies metabolize food and much more. However, due to systemic gender inequities, those achievements are hard-won, and their discoveries are often sidelined within histories of healthcare science.

These biases persist within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. While more women than ever are entering biological and medical sciences, women in the lab still face issues like unequal pay, lack of inclusion in leadership positions, and inequitable hiring practices.[1]

According to Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), 80.2% of Medical Laboratory Technologists in Ontario are female.[2] That number is even greater for Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technicians, with approximately 85% identifying as women.

This year, medical laboratory professionals have achieved incredible things. They’ve completed 11 million COVID-19 tests and counting. We are honoured to join the international call to #ChooseToChallenge and call out gender bias and inequality while celebrating women’s achievements.

At every step of the way—from pre-analytical functions, to analysis at the bench, to lab leadership, to research and innovation—women scientists doing amazing work in the medical laboratory. They set an impressive example for young women looking to get into a scientific field and contribute to STEM.

Thank you for everything you do, and Happy International Women’s Day.

[1] Lauren Everett, “Developing Women Leaders: The challenges and triumphs for women in science today,” Lab Manager, February 28, 2019,

[2] Canadian Institute for Health Information, Canada’s Healthcare Providers, 2015 – 2019 – Data Tables, Ottawa ON, 2021.


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